Education and Training


paths for success

DCTA provides much needed training to the remote villages including Job development, Adult Education, preschool certification, chief and committee training, banking information, small business training,  medical info and much more. 

Please contact us directly to discuss how you can participate in this program

click to download our classroom flyer

Other DCTA Programs To Learn About

Sponsor a Student

Connect in and change a life by sponsoring a high school / college student who needs to leave school because of lack of funds.
Your student writes you a letter each month telling you about their life and educational progress.

Teacher Connect

DCTA connects you to a teacher/classroom in a rural area in Malawi. You will send them a box/s of school supplies four times per year. We have seen 50% higher test shores in classrooms that participate in the Teacher Connect program. You Do Not Need to be a Teacher to Participate.
Direct Connections To Africa Stamp Logo

let's connect...

DCTA sends out newsletters via email 2-4 times per year. On occasion, we will send information for upcoming events. By submitting "yes" you agree to receive information via email. Thank you. Your support is greatly appreciated and makes a difference to so many.To unsubscribe from your DCTA email subscription, you can click on the "unsubscribe" button/link that will be on the bottom of all emails sent by DCTA.